Total Medals Earned: 1,358 (From 355 different games.) Total Medal Score: 22,495 Points
Medals Earned: 4/8 (250/500 points)
You blew up 3 guards! Awesome sauce!
You killed off 5 guards! With Style!
You killed 3 guards with an AK assault rifle!
You beat the second Creative Kill Chamber! That's G!
You used the Spore Gun tres times!
You killed 3 guards with your bare hands! Cool!
You killed 3 guards with the Sniper Rifle!
You were killed 10 times by the CKC Corporation. Bummer.
Medals Earned: 5/22 (30/140 points)
Detonate a remote bomb in flight.
Destroy 10 castles with only log ammo.
Hit and kill an enemy directly with a log.
Kill the king first on any level.
Destroy 100 barrels.
Freeze 3 enemies in one shot.
Melt 100 castle pieces.
Explode 100 castles pieces.
Hit and enemy directly with a parachute bomb.
Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.
Cover an enemy in acid.
Freeze 100 castle pieces.
Kill a Princess or a Queen first on any level.
Kill the Jester last on any level.
Burn 5 enemies in one shot.
Burn 100 castle pieces.
Throw after the trebuchet has reached it's return point.
Kill and enemy with a remove bomb without detonating it.
Crush all castles
Get gold medals on all castles.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/24 (15/500 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete level 3
Complete level 4
Complete level 5
Complete level 6
Complete level 7
Complete level 8
Complete level 9
Complete level 10
Complete level 11
Complete level 12
Complete level 13
Complete level 14
Complete level 15
Complete level 16
Complete level 17
Complete level 18
Complete level 19
Complete level 20
Complete level 21
Complete level 22
Complete level 23
Complete level 24
Medals Earned: 5/22 (30/490 points)
Collect 3 Energy Orbs (yellow or blue).
Reach 500 meters in a single run.
Die for the first time.
Hit a Super Energy Orb.
Reach 1000 meters in a single run.
Break your own record 3 times.
Die sliding.
Die while Super Energy Orb boost is active.
Jump on top of the pixel volcano.
Collect 10 Energy Orbs (yellow or blue).
Hit 10 Super Energy Orbs.
Hit 3 Super Energy Orbs in a single run.
Reach the ceiling 10 times during a single run.
Collect 30 Energy Orbs (yellow or blue).
Reach 3000 meters in a single run.
Maintain a speed of 35 m/s for 10 seconds.
Reach a speed of 80 m/s.
Slide a total of 2000 meters.
Run a total of 30000 meters.
Hit 50 Super Energy Orbs.
360 seconds air time.
Find the Red Energy Orb.
Medals Earned: 3/60 (15/500 points)
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Shoot down two Big Rockets at once
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
75% Accuracy in Level 1
75% Accuracy in Level 2
75% Accuracy in Level 3
85% Accuracy in Level 1
85% Accuracy in Level 2
85% Accuracy in Level 3
95% Accuracy in Level 1
95% Accuracy in Level 2
95% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 3
Shoot down two Shield Rockets at once
Shoot down two Big and one Standard Rockets at once
Make a combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down four Mirror Rockets at once
Shoot down two Spawn Rockets at once
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and a Spawn Rocket at once
Shoot down three Energy Rockets
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
100% Accuracy in Level 1
100% Accuracy in Level 2
100% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Avoid all rockets in Level 1
Avoid all rockets in Level 2
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and an Energy Rocket at once
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Avoid all rockets in Level 3
Make a triple combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down two Super Boss Rockets at once in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Medals Earned: 4/14 (55/500 points)
Kill your first enemy.
Let history take its course.
Launch your first mortar strike.
Kill 100 footsoldiers.
Don't skip any of the in-game cutscenes.
Die without killing a single enemy.
Take out least 5 enemies with one explosion.
Shoot down 6 enemy airplanes.
Destroy 6 tanks.
Stay alive for 50 hours.
Regain your health after nearly dying.
Destroy 500 enemies.
Survive for 250 hours.
Chain 4 explosions.
Medals Earned: 19/30 (220/500 points)
Medals Earned: 7/16 (100/500 points)
Defeat the Footie Twins
Defeat Battbot
Defeat Ootkey
Defeat TRN-1
Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard
Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard
Defeat Final Weapon
Get Secret Ending
Defeat Raijinmaru
Defeat creator of Dadgame
Beat Story Mode on Hard
Defeat Mecha-Death
Defeat Phantom
Beat Boss Battles on HARD
Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD
100% Completion
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/40 points)
Begin the game.
Complete Chapter 1.
Complete Chapter 2.
Complete Chapter 3.
Complete Chapter 4.
Complete Chapter 5.
Medals Earned: 7/42 (50/485 points)
Hit 10 combos!
Hit 100 damages!
Execute 2 consecutive combos!
Manage 3 consecutive damage!
Hit 50 combos!
Manage 4 consecutive damage!
Manage 2 consecutive overkills!
Do 10 counters!
Defend from 10 attacks!
Use potions to recover 100 HP!
Manage 2 consecutive counters!
Hit 100 combos!
Do 100 counters!
Do 50 counters!
Hit 10000 damages!
Hit 1000 damages!
Defend from 100 attacks!
Defend from 50 attacks!
Deal 100 earth damage!
Spend 1000 or more gold!
Deal 100 fire damage!
Use potions to recover 5000 HP!
Use potions to recover 1000 HP!
Execute 4 consecutive combos!
Manage 3 consecutive counters!
Manage 3 consecutive overkills!
End a battle with only one member left in Extreme mode!
Finish a battle without taking any damage in Extreme mode!
Overkill with 50 damage!
Overkill with 1000 damage!
Overkill with 500 damage!
Finish a battle in only one turn in Extreme mode!
Have 5000 or more gold!
Execute 6 consecutive combos!
Manage 4 consecutive counters!
Manage 5 consecutive damage!
Manage 4 consecutive overkills!
Collect 1000 gold!
Deal 100 water damage!
Deal 100 wind damage!
Finish the campaign!
Finish the campaign with all challenges cleared!